
International Ecotourism Conference 2013 in Tottori

Host:International Ecotourism Conference 2013 in Tottori Executive Committee | Co-host:NPO Japanese Ecotourism Society |
Support:Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan Tourism Agency     

【Photo Sanin】 Illumination with Japanese Umbrella

O-Bon is a period in August when every household welcomes back its ancestors' departed souls to this world.  A light plays a very important role during this period because it is believed that the souls use it as a landmark to this world.

In Daisenji Temple area, people decorate the path to Ogamiyama shirine with 50 Japanese Umbrella and light it up at night.
The lights are very warm in color and the entire atmospher is like a scene from a fairy tale.

If you want to enjoy more Japanese Umbrella Illuminations, please click HERE!

Reference :http://web.sanin.jp/p/daisenking/1/23/38/
Photographer : Daisen Kingdom 'Mr. takashi Karaki'
All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized Reproduction Prohibited.

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