
International Ecotourism Conference 2013 in Tottori

Host:International Ecotourism Conference 2013 in Tottori Executive Committee | Co-host:NPO Japanese Ecotourism Society |
Support:Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan Tourism Agency     

Ecotourism Symposium

 "Ecotourism Symposium" was held on August 11st., 2013.

We appreciate that a lot of people came to join in this event.

 平井知事 エコツー国際大会

Mr. Daisuke Izawa who owns a successful outdoor amusement company presented some ecotour examples in our area.
森の国 エコツー国際大会

Discussion session by Ms.Kaoru Kanetaka, Mr. Kouseke Motani and Mr. Keiichiro
Yamada.  The theme was "The fascination of Ecotourism and its affect on a local revitalization.
兼高かおる 藻谷浩介 山田桂一郎

兼高かおる氏 藻谷浩介氏

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